Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I have learned a bit about the class so far and a few things I wasn't entirely aware of regarding both Macs and PCs. These things include, the definitions of GUI and instance as they pertain to computers and the theory of standard functionality. I was aware, however of most of the other terms and definitions. I often learn new things about such seemingly simple applications as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and iTunes. In the word processing resources, I learned about Format Painter, which allows the user to copy formats that have already been previously applied. This information was in the Microsoft Word Layout And Graphics Features pdf file. The Atomic Learning site helped me to understand the compatibility mode feature of Microsoft Word. The calendar was time-consuming, though it is a very good idea to have one. Not many people had posted on the resumes in my group, so I have only been able to post two responses so far.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found a few new things in Word, such as the Format Painter. Since most of us know the basics of word processing, this is a good class in which to decide to get better, more efficient, or just a little faster so you can spend your time on document design, content, etc.

    --George S.
